How To Respond With Love

Posted by on Feb 21, 2012

How To Respond With Love

Francisco "Pancho" Ramos Stierle meditates as police arrest him Monday. He had declined orders to leave. Photo: Noah Berger

THE MISTAKE WE MAKE is thinking the corporations are separate from us. The mistake we make is thinking that corruption is only a political issue. The mistake we make is thinking that by eliminating the system we eliminate the problem. It’s true we live in a world dominated and exploited by the few, and it’s true that the systems we live by no longer support us; but it’s also true that there is a deeper cause at play…

The very consciousness which objectifies life as a means to an end – as an exploitable commodity – is the very same mindset which seeks to hate, condemn, and fight these structures of power. But we cannot fight violence with violence or create peace through war. Even those we oppose are our brothers and sisters, and only a consciousness which sees this can create another way.

Without a deep realization of our unity with all of life, including those behind the systems which exploit us, then we will simply create more of the same. For it is fear and separateness which create systems that dominate and destroy.

So in our willingness to stand up for what we believe in, there must be a deeper understanding of our role. Our path is one of great responsibility and reverence for all of life. We must hold our outrage and self righteousness within the truth that knows the way. We must surrender our confusion to love and our minds to our hearts. We must be clear that the role we play through occupation is a tool and never an identity.

If we fail to do this we may lose ourselves in conflict. We may burnout from anger and deplete ourselves through hate. We may fight with those that can help us and repel those we seek to inspire. So let us realize that real change occurs within the hearts of each of us. Can we face the darkness within our own minds, or will we project it onto those we oppose?

I have watched people react with judgment and divisiveness, and I have watched people respond with love and unity. I have watched people defend a system which destroys for profit, and I have watched people envision a way of living that works in harmony with all of life. I have watched people react with anger and outrage, and I have watched people respond with compassion and understanding. I have watched people react with violence and oppression, and I have watched people respond with peace and empowerment.

We need to live our dream now and create our future now. It’s not enough to say we want peace, whilst responding to injustice with violence; and it’s not enough to fight against something without creating what we’re for. Every movement, cause, and occupation is a living example of what’s possible globally. Every community which faces its problems with love and awareness demonstrates this potential. And every individual who chooses to embrace their pain, rather than deny it, provides hope and possibility for the collective.

Peaceful action arises from peace itself, justice from justice, and love from love. Do not become that which you protest against. Discover that change is now and within you, and not as some future promise. Be that which you desire, that which you’re for, and that which we need. Discover it’s here already and not withheld or lost. Discover you are that and share it – there’s no need to demand it with tears. Let your movements express this change, not fight against its lack. Let your actions arise from this change, not lead you further from it.

So let us approach those who write the rules of oppression with astounding compassion and enlightened respect. Let us set aside our beliefs for open and honest communication. And let us occupy the spaces that bind us with light in our eyes and love in our hearts. We don’t have to agree with someone to hear them, and we don’t have to like them to respect them. But we must always be the change we wish to see. Let us begin here and now – with the seeds of war we perpetuate. Let us begin with ourselves – the only thing we control. Are you in peace when you shout for peace? Do you embody what you demand?

If we respond with judgment they will oppress us. If we respond with opposition they will fight us. If we respond with violence they will destroy us. But if we respond with love, compassion, and understanding; there will be no power for them to infiltrate, no hate for them to corrupt, no violence for them to imprison.

In the face of love they will be powerless, in the face of compassion they will be confused, in the face of understanding they will be dumbstruck. In the power of love their love of power will seem obsolete and futile. This is the only thing they don’t know how to fight, and this is the only thing that can create a future worth fighting for.


Georgia Simone Servant of love, artist of words, sacred activist. Hopelessly devoted to sharing movements of love, and supporting you on your journey into the heart:


  1. I have written an article that outlines the dynamics and processes that undermine self empathy. which lead to a loss of empathy for others and for the world around us – that brings sense of fear, of disconnection from all that nurtures life, which is the root cause of the desire to control others to meet our perceived needs. That control is violence, it is coercive and coercion exercised on any natural organism leads to resistance, which is when violence is ‘utilised’.

    The key to breaking that cycle is part developing self empathy, understanding how our nature is distorted by conditioning, and part understanding the historical dynamics and processes that pass the learned behaviours associated with a loss of self empathy from one generation to the next.

    The article is “Loss of Self Empathy and The Urge to Power”

    • i would love to read this article u wrote. can u say how to find it?

    • Hi Cornelius, that sounds interesting. Have you posted this article to your site for others to read? Love, Georgia (author of above post)

  2. You are right on target Georgia. It could not be said any better.

  3. A very wise article. Thank you so much for your insight.

    • It was my pleasure Christine. I’m glad you enjoyed it 🙂

  4. What a pant load. Like all such theories, it falls apart when it hits cold hard reality. Fact is that you can be as loving as you want but if the next guy isn’t, then eventualy you lose.

    • That’s not true. This instead of being a theory is more of an experience. If you treat Violence with Love, eventually, it will shift to Love. If you treat Love with Violence, it will make no difference, Love will still be there, thriving.

      “The black moment is the moment when the real message of transformation is going to come.  At the darkest moment comes the light.”  ~Joseph Campbel

  5. Thank you for this beautiful piece of writing from the heart- I long to live this reality as much as I can every day.

    If anyone is interested, there is a great book that goes quite in depth into the authors idea of where our violence comes from and how to overcome it and in our social structures: ‘Our Tragic Flaw- a case for non-violence’ by Parke Burgess


    • Hi Katy, this looks like a very interesting read. It’s now on my wish list. Thanks for the recommendation!

    • Hey, thanks Drew! I’m rather chuffed to receive a compliment from you. You’re definitely someone I look up to. Thank you for everything you offer 🙂

  6. Deep bow. Medicine eye need to remember In these very moments – hearing your words sourced from The Divine Mother, Herself.


  1. God has no religion: where atheism and religion meet - [...] the article I wrote for Occupy Love: How To Respond With Love (in the face of adversity and [...]
  2. Understanding our Oneness Brings Peace and Harmony « Real Rest is the Best - [...] you desire, that which you’re for, and that which we need.” – Georgia Simone (“How to Respond With Love“)…

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